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Modular School Cafeteria

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Modular school cafeterias and canteens

School dining facilities cater for large numbers of students, so these areas can become quite hectic at times. Therefore, it is crucial that your school cafeteria or student dining hall is:

  • built with no disruption to your business
  • well laid out
  • to your budget
  • spacious
  • clean

Modular buildings are used extensively throughout the education sector, and they are ideal for creating spacious and attractive environments.

Our innovative building solutions are ideal for school dining halls and relocatable modular cafeterias.

Modular Classroom Interior for Hermitage Primary

Why have a modular school cafeteria?

Modular dining rooms are an ideal way to develop free space and provide excellent dining hall facilities.

We have been manufacturing modular buildings since 1991, and our experience includes plenty of modular dining rooms across the UK.

Our team knows that everyone has different requirements from their modular building.

Therefore, we take time to understand your needs so your modular construction fully matches your expectations.

How can these 10 benefits of our modular buildings help you?

Choosing a modular dining room or cafeteria with us offers you several significant benefits, including:

1. Speedy construction

As a new term looms, time is crucial in providing students with a suitable dining hall. Modular buildings can be constructed in about half the time of a conventional construction, so it’s a rapid install compared to traditional buildings.

2. Cost efficiency

A modular building is not only cheaper to build than traditional builds, they also save you money due to their rapid installation compared to a conventional building.

3. Less on-site risk

A permanent build means a very hectic and active site with lots of people, plant, and equipment moving around. This can lead to increased risk of injury. With modular dining halls, you reduce this risk considerably as most of the construction is done remotely.

4. Fewer contractors on site

As well as reducing risk, having fewer contractors on site means there will be minimal disruption around your school or university campus.

5. Not affected by weather

Modular cafeterias and dining halls are made to a high standard using highly durable materials. They offer the same shelter and protection from weather as a traditional building.

Moreover, their construction is not affected by adverse weather as it is completed indoors in our dedicated factory facilities.

6. Eco friendly

Modular cafeteria and dining areas provide a high degree of thermal performance that generally exceed those required by regulations. They are also constructed in a tightly controlled environment meaning that energy use is optimised.

7. Reusable

When you deconstruct a modular building, the materials do not end up in landfill sites. Most elements of prefabricated buildings can be easily recycled or reused.

8. Flexible design and great quality

Your school dining hall or cafeteria should be as close as possible to your perfect solution. We are well versed in constructing modular buildings to meet your exact requirements. You’ll have significant flexibility in the design of your building, ensuring you have all the spaces needed.

9. Lower up-front costs

Before you even get started constructing a conventional building, you’ll have to make a significant investment.

Plant, equipment, and building materials need to be ordered and paid for. However, with a modular build, your up-front costs are reduced considerably.

10. Permanent or temporary choices

We don’t limit ourselves to one or the other. We talk to our customers to find out what they need. Be it permanent buildings for a long term project, or a temporary short term project. Our architects can do it all.

We build modular dining halls around the UK

We have a great reputation for providing modular school café and dining facilities all across the UK. Below are a few of the locations we regularly provide with modular school dining halls and cafeterias. If your location isn’t listed, give us a call and we can discuss getting your project fulfilled.

We can cover all UK locations from one of our main distribution centres.

This list is by no means comprehensive, so wherever you’re based, get in touch and we’ll see how we can help your business.

Modular dining halls – for any sector

All industry sectors are different, but they all involve people, and that means providing good café and dining facilities. The educational sector is no different. Indeed, attracting students will be virtually impossible if school or campus dining areas are spacious, efficient, and high standard.

Below are a few business sectors we have provided modular buildings for.

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Let’s discuss your modular dining hall requirements

A prefabricated modular cafeteria or dining room will provide your educational establishment, students, and staff with considerable benefits. Rapid construction, minimal disruption, and reduced risk means you’ll have less hassle getting your new facility compared to opting for a permanent building.

Flexibility of design offers you the opportunity to get a dining facility that fits your exact requirements to include areas such as kitchens, seating, food preparation, serving, and basic warming functionality.

For a free quote or to discuss your modular dining room requirements, contact us today.

Get in touch

With more than 30 years’ experience we have the knowledge and expertise to make your modular building a reality. For an informal discussion on your requirements please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch.
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