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Modular Common Rooms

Common Rooms

Schools are important places where children learn, grow, and develop their skills so it is important to ensure that they have all the necessary facilities to provide a conducive environment for learning.

One of the ways schools can do this is by incorporating modular buildings for common rooms.

Modular buildings are prefabricated buildings that are constructed off-site and then transported to the location where they will be finished and then put to use. These buildings are becoming increasingly popular for schools as they are:

  • cost-effective
  • time-saving, and eco-friendly.

We have worked in the education sector for many years, in primary, secondary and further education.

So, we are accredited experts in educational modular construction, especially in state-of-the-art science classrooms.

What are the benefits of modular common rooms?

We can think of at least five benefits of using modular buildings for common rooms in schools:

1. Quick and easy to install

Traditional building methods can take months – if not years – to complete whereas modular buildings can be installed in a matter of weeks. This means that schools can have access to additional facilities quickly and with minimal disruption to the students’ existing learning environment.

2. Cost-effective

They are cheaper to construct than traditional buildings, which means that schools can save money on construction costs. In addition, because they are prefabricated, there are no unexpected costs associated with traditional construction such as weather delays, increased labour costs or unexpected material costs.

3. Eco-friendly

They are constructed in factories which means that there is less waste generated and fewer carbon emissions released during the construction process. Additionally, many modular buildings are designed to be energy-efficient, which means that schools can save money on heating and cooling costs over time.

4. Versatile

They can be customised to fit any space or design specification. This means that schools can choose the size, shape and layout of the building that best suits their needs. Modular buildings can also be designed to blend in with the existing architecture of the school, which means that they do not look out of place.

5. Adaptable!

Finally, modular buildings can be easily adapted or expanded If the needs of the school change, modular buildings can be easily modified or added onto. This means that schools can keep up with changing demands without having to undergo expensive and time-consuming construction projects.

Get in touch

With more than 30 years’ experience we have the knowledge and expertise to make your modular building a reality. For an informal discussion on your requirements please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch.
CCS Supplier, Considerate Constructors, Investors in People, ISO