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Net Zero Modular Buildings

Edith Borthwick Special Education Needs School Modular Building

Building a more sustainable future

In June 2019, the UK became the first major economy to pass the net zero emissions law. This new target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

At Elite Systems, we are committed to playing our role in this important effort, by creating a sustainable alternative to the conventional building; net zero modular buildings. Presently, the construction industry takes up just 7% of the UK economy, but accounts for 10% of the country’s greenhouse emissions, and influences a further 47%! We want to change that.

For more information on our net zero offering, check out our FAQs further down this page.

What does net zero mean?

Net zero refers to the balance between the amount of harmful greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere and the amount which is removed. Net zero is achieved when the amount being taken out of the atmosphere exactly counteracts that being put in. The UK Government has proposed a Net Zero Strategy, to achieve net zero emissions across the UK by 2050.

How can we achieve net zero emissions?

Achieving net zero can be done in a number of ways, and it is down to everyone to make a difference. The main sectors which contribute to the UK’s overall greenhouse emissions are transport, agriculture and construction. Making environmentally conscious decisions concerning these sectors will contribute to lower emissions.

How does the construction industry impact the environment?

The construction industry in the UK contributes directly to around 10% of the country’s greenhouse emissions, while influencing a further 47%! These emissions can come from anything; from the extraction of unsustainable resources for building materials, to the fossil fuels burnt by machines in construction.

Putting together the roof of a modular building in the Elite factory

How do modular buildings contribute to achieving net zero?

There are a number of ways modular buildings have a reduced impact on the environment:

  • Eco-friendly building materials – using FSC-approved timber.
  • Reduced energy consumption – modular buildings are constructed in highly controlled conditions, meaning the energy used is a fraction of what it would be on-site.
  • Reusability – the nature of modular buildings means that they are easy to disassemble and be moved to another site, so unused buildings don’t go to waste.
  • Less transportation emissions – in traditional construction, the transport of heavy machinery to and from the site contributes to high greenhouse emissions. As modular construction is only done within a factory setting, these emissions are substantially reduced.
Crane lowering a segment of one of Elites modular buildings

Net Zero at no extra cost

The current trend of rising energy and falling equipment costs means that there is no longer a significant price barrier to choosing the net zero carbon route. In fact, in most cases the cost of delivering a Net Zero scheme can be more than offset by the reduced energy costs over the life of the building.

Get in touch

With more than 30 years’ experience we have the knowledge and expertise to make your modular building a reality. For an informal discussion on your requirements please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch.
CCS Supplier, Considerate Constructors, Investors in People, ISO